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Dark tidings befall an isolationist human city-state in a massive white sand desert. The tyrannical King Sallith's laws ban other races, magic, untouchables, and others from the city, and he placates his xenophobic people with gruesome arena battles. The law is bent and broken to his will, which means that a young and passionate jurist, a legal representative of the common man, is out of work.
Her name is Claudia Nierra, and she is starving. She sneaks into the palace to steal something—anything—to fight her starvation. When she gets caught, she enters a path for vengeance with a worldly, mind-reading entrepreneur named Rat. Their plan to uproot Sallith's hold on the people begins with scheduling a challenger to kill his champion. But both Claudia and Rat will discover Sallith's true motivations for his isolationist decree, and the horrific lengths human power can reach.

The world of Veminox knows monsters both human and wild, terrors both massive and lasting, and triumphs both inspirational and heartbreaking. It's my pleasure to finally release it to you, for free.
Is this a novel?
No, The Tragedy of Veminox is a dark, fast-paced, action-heavy fantasy epic that consists of 50 entries, or 1,500-word "chapters". You can get one of these entries sent to you per day, gradually absorbing the story at no cost. It also gives you the chance to buy the entire story as an e-book, if you want to read it all at once. Or you can take your time and read it for free!
I am currently releasing sequels to this eight-arc, 400-entry story, including:
Arc Two: The Invasion of Veminox (Entries 51-100)
Arc Three: The Cleansing of Veminox (Entries 101-150)
These will all be free and delivered in the same way as well. This is an ongoing project and part of a gigantic story and world. Give it a chance if you like intense, smart, genre-bending fantasy, where you're never really sure what's going to happen.